Amanda Lee

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Printmaker and video artist Amanda Lee combines traditional printmaking methods (silkscreen, lithography, etc.) with alternative processes such as salted paper photographic prints and arranges the results in large, multi-image grids. In addition, Lee interjects video and sound into the presentation to activate the installation. Of particular concern for the artist is how society cares for victims of intimate partner violence. Through scale, repetition, and media, Lee mines the depths of displacement, memory, and healing.

During her residency, Lee will develop a course in collaboration with UNC Charlotte’s Department of Art + Architecture Assistant Professor of Print Media/Mixed Media Erik Waterkotte. The project will culminate in an exhibition in the Rowe Gallery on the campus at UNC Charlotte March 2015.


Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 12 — Mar 25 2015

Currently Based Seattle, Washington

Artist’s Website