Bernie Lubell

“"As visitors work together to animate the mechanisms they create a theatre for themselves and each other. By encouraging participation, touch and manipulation the pieces coax visitors to engage their bodies as well as their minds. The way that pieces move and feel and sound as you rock them, pedal, crank and press against them applies the kinesthetic comprehensions of childhood to the tasks of philosophy."”

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Bernie Lubell's interactive installations have evolved from his studies in both psychology and engineering. As participants play with his whimsical wood machines, they become actors in a theater of their own imagining. Since the early 1980's his installations have been shown nationally. Lubell's work includes a stone age digital computer, a rainstorm of chaos and nostalgia, a phone booth-confessional communications network and a simulations of the human heart and brain.



Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 29 — Apr 6 2002

Currently Based San Francisco, CA

Mediums Interactive art

Artist’s Website