Cindy Klingberg

“The opportunity to work at the McColl Center in 2006 allowed me to have uninterrupted time in a studio, interaction with the public, and involvement with professional artists which developed into lifelong friendships. Most of all it gave me permission to label myself as a professional artist as well as an art teacher. As with teaching, being an artist is a lifelong journey and I am constantly exploring new ground in order to grow. I appreciated the challenge of these new directions of growth and this life long journey as an artist. Challenges keep me fresh. Because of my time at the McColl Center I have the courage now to accept these challenges with a new outlook. I am willing to put myself out there and keep growing.”

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Cindy Klingberg attended East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. She is an art teacher with a passion for metalwork, the by produt of a crafts class she took in college. Her residency at McColl Center is the first time she will have a designated studio to produce her creative and one of a kind jewelry. Klingberg's work is simultanously organic and ethereal, shimmering as it captivates its viewer. 



Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 5 — Mar 27 2006

Currently Based Charlotte, NC