Claudia Borgna

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Claudia Borgna's undergraduate degree was in foreign literature at Genoa University. She completed a second degree  in fine art at the London Metropolitan University in a variety of media and disciplines. She has exhibited her work in the UK, Europe, and the USA and she has completed residencies in the USA, Canada, and Europe. She has been awarded both the Joan Mitchell and the Pollock-Krasner grant. Her work entails the investigation of what she calls the “evolution of landscape”, a process started and effected by modern lifestyles and consumerism. Her installations are the materialization of an ongoing observation and questioning of how the plastic and the natural realms interact with one another and thereby come to create new ephemeral orders. She mainly works with recycled plastic bags.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Apr 14 — Aug 25 2008

Currently Based London, UK

Mediums Mixed Media

Artist’s Website