Darren Goins

“Do you think Atlantis had a government? I don't. I think it was something different, And I think everyone has a little bit of Atlantis in their heart. Some people are content with where they are, but sixty percent or so would want to go to Atlantis. Although we don't have the technology right now to find it - I mean, it's under something - we could probably scan the ocean floor and at least find the shape of it. I like places like that- like in ancient Egypt. Places where they communicated with pictures rather than words; a different way of communication. Whenever you think of indigenous tribes, they're intriguing because you romanticize them. If you lived a long time before Mexico City was there, with the Aztecs, it was probably pretty crazy with cutting heads off all the time. But today, if you're looking back at it, it's really interesting. I wouldn't want to be in the real place, but I would want to be in my imagined version of it.”

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Goins received a BFA in Photography and Printmaking from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He has exhibited his work in North Carolina and Maryland, and was awarded "Best in Show" at the 4th Annual National Printmaking and Drawing Exhibition in Florida. Working from a daily collection of highlighted visual fragments, Darren Goins creates a uptopian environment within his large-scale mixed media paintings. 


Artist Information

Residency Dates Apr 13 — Mar 22 2010

Currently Based Charlotte, NC

Mediums Painting

Artist’s Website darrengoins.com