Dawit L Petros

Dawit Petros has lived in three different continents: Africa, Europe, and North America. The effects of his nomadic life are evident in his work, which is inspired by history, cultural memories, and minimalism. Petros uses mixed media, installation, video, performance, and photography as a springboard for conversations between subject, object, and location and the transformation that happens though migration. Exploring ways in which the viewer can reflect their own experiences, Petros creates compositions that foster a sense of belonging and constantly shift meaning because of each viewer’s context. Petros has exhibited his work throughout the US and Canada, including the Studio Museum of Harlem, and is the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 9 — Mar 19 2012

Currently Based Brooklyn, NY

Artist’s Website www.dawitlpetros.com