Hernan Paganini

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Hernan Paganini was born in Argentina; currently lives and works in Seattle, WA, US. He studies Graphic Design at Buenos Aires University; a place where he developed professionally as a teacher for seven years. Interested in search for other applications of his work he was selected to take part in the Artist Program in the Torcuato Di Tella University, after that he won several Grants and participated in National and International Residencies. Inspired in the relation between art, education, culture and the application of this tools in the society he created in 2010 a Nomadic School Workshop Project called VIAJE EN BARCO; this project has been applied for kids and adults, in several countries of Latin America, North America, and Europe. He shows his work in several individuals and collective show and fairs. He moved to the USA at the end of 2017 where he currently lives and works.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Sep 1 — Dec 1 2020

Currently Based Washington, USA

Hometown Argentina

Mediums Collage

Artist’s Website www.paganinihernan.com

Partners Windgate Foundation