Jessica Levine

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Jessica Levine is committed to environmental activism as artist, teacher and citizen, in concept and practice.  She initiates projects that engage communities in watershed studies, based in accurate regional science, highlighting biodiversity and the vital role that pollinators play in our food supply.  Her residency at MColl Center for Visual Art will focus on creating an environmental art installation in Charlotte's First Ward.  Levine will design and install an ecological way to mitigate slope erosion near a retention pond that drains into Upper Little Sugar Creek.  The Center's Environmental Artist-in-Residence team will work with Levine to bring a remedial quality to the installation she will create in Charlotte.  Levine's approach is both process- and site-oriented, and centered on a whole system perspective.  She takes a holistic ecological view to her projects incorporating native plants and natural features.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 1 — Dec 31 2011

Currently Based Lewisburg, West Virginia

Artist’s Website