Liz Young

“Young's artwork is an attempt to "combine the critical with the humanistic to create work with which we can all form an alliance."”

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Liz Young completed her BFA at the Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design in California.  Over the past 14 years, her work has been exhibited in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Houston, Seattle, and throughout Europe. She is a visual artist who creates large scale installations using fabricated objects and modified spaces, and produces performances within the spaces to give reference to the objects and their environments. Young's work involves examining the routine components of living in the late 20th Century. In her work, she strives to transform the audience's perception of the familiar and expected by manipulating and altering the work to reflect an absurd approach to our cultural conventions through the use of contradictory and provocative elements and procedures. 

Artist Information

Residency Dates Sep 15 — Dec 31 2000

Currently Based Los Angeles, CA

Mediums Installation

Artist’s Website