In preparation for our Benefit Art Auction the McColl Center will be closed to the public through February 7th. Join us for Family Day on February 8th.

Marion Wilson

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A returning artist-in-residence, Marion Wilson is an environmental artist whose work often incorporates collaboration and education. At the core of her practice, she looks to what it means to be human and how we identify with one another across differences in class, race, and circumstance. She does this through simple gestures—being present, being neighborly, and assisting with mobility—and creating collective social spaces. Wilson’s portfolio ranges from large-scale collaborations to small landscape paintings made of moss on glass slides. In the year since her first residency at McColl Center, she developed an ethno-botanical project with Mural Arts Philadelphia, focusing on environmental issues and the sustainable revitalization of community spaces.

Wilson’s residency is part of “A Tale of Two Cities,” an initiative that seeks to elevate the voices of our neighbors experiencing homelessness in the North Tryon planning and development process. The initiative is generously supported by ArtPlace America and National Endowment for the Arts.


Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 8 — May 1 2018

Currently Based Englewood, NJ

Hometown New York, NY

Artist’s Website