Mobile Mural Lab

Mobile Mural Lab are instigators of change and facilitators of connection, challenging citizens to connect to their physical environment and social community. David Russell and Roberto Del Hoyo developed Mobile Mural Lab as a public art project in response to a Los Angeles sign ordinance that did not distinguish between commercial signage and fine mural art. Their community-based work celebrates and carries forward the tradition of murals as a medium for social and political discourse, while educating the public about mural production and techniques.  

While in residency, the Mobile Mural Lab will activate their mobile art studio with a series of participatory workshops, hands-on demonstrations, and community activities around traditional and contemporary mural painting techniques with the intent to identify, promote, and produce cultural manifestations where participants can see their voice represented in the public realm. 

Presented by Bank of America.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Sep 8 — Nov 24 2015

Currently Based Los Angeles, CA