Opal Palmer Adisa

“When asked about her residency, Adisa said: "This residency allowed me to complete my novel, and even though it isn't published yet, being there showed me just how much i could accomplish once I had the time, space and means to just do my work. It introduced me to other artist who have remained friends and I was introduced to the south. The dinners and exchange were priceless.. A great space and wonderful, supportive staff. Nothing since has topped it."”

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Opal Palmer Adisa has been a resident artist in internationally acclaimed residencies such as Bi-national Fulbright Institute (Egypt), Sacatar Institute (Brazil), McColl Center for Visual Art (North Carolina) and Headlines Center for the Arts (California, USA). A highly sought-after motivational speaker, Opal Palmer Adisa has lectured and read her work throughout the United States, Europe, South Africa, South American, and the Caribbean. An award-winning poet and prose writer Dr. Adisa has twelve titles to her credit, including the novel, It Begins With Tears (1997), proclaimed by Rick Ayers as one of the most motivational works for young adults. Diverse, innovative and multi-genre, Adisa is an exceptional talent, nurtured on cane-sap and the oceanic breeze of Jamaica. Charismatic and informed, her concerns span the gamut from children to the environment, and as such there is hardly any topic that she has not written about either in poetry, prose, or essay. Opal Palmer Adisa's work has been reviewed by Ishmael Reed, Al Young, and Alice Walker (Color Purple), who described her work as "solid, visceral, important stories written with integrity and love."

Artist Information

Residency Dates Sep 15 — Dec 31 2000

Currently Based California, USA

Hometown Jamaica

Mediums Poetry

Artist’s Website opalpalmeradisa.com