Pablo Rasgado

“His practice is characterized by a constant discovery of mediums and techniques that adequate themselves in concordance with each project and research.”

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Within Pablo Rasgado’s Work, the surfaces of the walls often are the detonators of his research, which are revealed as evidence of complex situations that lie underneath them, and by doing so, they highlight features of the site that usually remain invisible.
His interventions in urban spaces draw their conclusions, by the information gathered though the study of the accumulated social experience within an architectural setting. They try to place the attention towards an inquiry about history, function and form by questioning the relationship between function and design within specific contexts; the analysis of urban change and its cultural value; and the potential of inactive spaces within cities.

His practice is characterized by a constant discovery of mediums and techniques that adequate themselves in concordance with each project and research. This has allowed the artist to develop nexuses with other areas of knowledge such as: Archeology, Restoration, Linguistics and Chemistry.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Aug 1 — Nov 1 2019

Currently Based -, Mexico

Mediums Sculpture

Artist’s Website