Pamela Z

A composer, performer, and media artist, Pamela Z works primarily with voice, live electronic processing, sampling technology, and video. A pioneer of live digital looping techniques, she combines experimental extended vocal techniques, operatic bel canto, text, digital processing, and MIDI controllers that allow her to manipulate sound with physical gestures. In addition to her solo work, she has composed and recorded scores for dance, theatre, film, and new music chamber ensembles. During her residency, Pamela Z will concentrate on a new modular multi-media piece that will involve music composition and interactive sonic and video elements. Pamela Z received a music degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder and her performances have been presented in small concerts, multi-media venues, and festivals throughout the world including the Whitney Museum.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Sep 17 — Nov 30 2012

Currently Based San Francisco, CA

Artist’s Website