Paul DeMarinis

“Art is a response to belief and acts as a consolidating force within culture. It gives place, time, image, and sound to myths. The scientific revolution threw away the idea that things were connected by appearances and replaced it with the idea that things are connected by how they work. Thus the artists' role is to animate with the imagination the way things work.”

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Paul DeMarinis has been working as an electronic media artist since 1971 and has created numerous performance works, sound and computer installations and interactive electronic inventions. He has performed internationally, at The Kitchen, Festival d'Automne a Paris, Het Apollohuis in Holland and at Ars Electronica in Linz and created music for Merce Cunningham Dance Co. His interactive audio artworks have been shown at the I.C.C. in Tokyo, Bravin Post Lee Gallery in New York and The Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco. 

Much of his work involves speech processed and synthesized by computers. Major installation works include The Edison Effect that uses optics and computers to make new sounds by scanning ancient phonograph records with lasers, Gray Matter that uses the interaction of body and electricity to make music, and The Messenger that examines the myths of electricity in communication. 

While at McColl Center, DeMarinis is collaborating with fellow Affiliate Artist Randall Tagg. 

Artist Information

Residency Dates May 25 — Nov 18 2001

Currently Based San Francisco, CA

Mediums New Media

Artist’s Website