Quisqueya Henriquez

Cuban-born Quiesqueya Henriquez explores racial, ethnic, gender and cultural stereotypes through sculpture, collage, prints, video, installations and sound. Her work often fuses formalities of economics, current events, and art history with vernacular life in the Caribbean. Henriquez graduated from the Instituto Superior de Arte in Havana, Cuba. She has exhibited her work throughout Latin America, Europe and the US. Her work can be found in important private and public collections including El Museo del Barrio in New York, the Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami, Florida and she was named as one of the 25 art world trendsetters by ARTnews in 2007.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Jun 1 — Jul 20 2011

Currently Based Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Hometown Havana, Cuba

Artist’s Website davidcastillogallery.com