Ruganzu Bruno

“We try to bring out the message that the hand is the one which is throwing this trash into the environment and at the same time it could be used to collect them and save the environment”

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Art critic Bernard Berenson theorized that creativity begins “with the natural genius of childhood and the ‘spirit of place.’ “Ruganzu Bruno, is an eco-artist from Uganda. Orphaned as a child, Ruganzu is committed to creating environments which support healthy childhoods. He is committed to transforming space, waste and environment by creating playground elements around the world utilizing salvaged wasted. He is altering the landscape the lives of youth in the slums of Kampala providing children the opportunity to play, learn, explore and engage in a new way in their urban environment. Through his play interventions, he addresses the global mental and physical challenges universal to urban communities, due to the lack of play and connection with the natural world.

Ruganzu will be in residence at McColl Center for Art + Innovation as ArtPlace America Environmental Artist-in-Residence. He will create a sculptural play element that will respond to environmental changes and also mitigate runoff at the Art&Ecology Campus at Brightwalk. Committed to social engagement and art which addresses a community’s needs, Ruganzu will lead workshops, work with students, teachers and residents leading experiences which provide experiential learning opportunities on utilizing salvaged materials to create learning experiences, business innovation and art.

Trained as a painter and sculptor, Ruganzu Bruno is the founding curator of TedXKampala, the winner of the the first City 2.0 Award in 2012 and a lecturer in the department of Art&Design at Kyambogo University. He also is the recipient 2011 Young Achievers Award (Art, Fashion and Culture) winner, 2011 Planet Women Photography Competition(Uganda) winner, Rio+20 Plasticity International competition (Capturing Gold category) award 2012.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Apr 30 — Sep 16 2014

Currently Based Uganda,

Artist’s Website