Taro Hattori

“My art practice is a way of measuring distances between myself and things that are unacceptable. I try to define myself by examining what I hate, what I feel uncomfortable with, and what I do not understand. Dealing with those "unacceptable" elements as significant constituents of my world, I try to integrate them with other "pleasurable" elements to render my world more coherent and balanced. This hidden undercurrent shows how the viewers and I play our roles in the condition of our contemporary life.”

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Taro Hattori is an installation artist who holds a BA in Clinical Psychology from Sophia University, Tokyo and an MFA in Time Arts/Video from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He has been awarded residencies at Kala Art Institute, Djerassi Foundation, Taipei Artist Village, and Headlands Center for the Arts. Hattori's work has been exhibited at numerous venues including Contemporary Art Gallery in Opole, Poland; LMAN Gallery, Los Angeles; Yerba Buena Center for the Arts; Mission 17; The Lab, San Francisco; Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito; Swarm Gallery, Oakland; Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago; The Asian American Arts Centre, NYC and Ssamzie Space, Seoul. His work is an attempt to process the uncomfortable and unnaceptable in life.  


Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 11 — Mar 22 2010

Currently Based Oakland, CA

Artist’s Website www.tarohattori.com