Tattfoo Tan

Tattfoo Tan’s art practice responds to issues of ecology, climate change and nutrition. His unique art making process consists of learning new forms of knowledge, practicing them, and in turn teaching others. His decade long trilogy of projects: Nature Matching System, Sustainable. Organic. Stewardship. and New Earth have been shown widely and made into replicable manuals to inspire the public to take action.

Tattfoo Tan’s artistic process involves finding creative solutions to helping the individual within society.  A collaborative process, Tan’s practice is highly participatory with audience and nature, utilizing various forms of media for engagement. This spring he will start his installation of a food forest at Brightwalk through a partnership with Tree Charlotte and residents. He will work with trees that have intrinsic historical, medicinal or food significance. Tan lives on Staten Island with his flock of chickens, 5 PM (PM – stands for poop machines).

Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 12 — Mar 25 2015

Currently Based STATEN ISLAND, NY

Artist’s Website tattfoo.com