Troy Dugas

“The work is created through the eye of a scavenger and the battle between the primitive, creative impulse and strategic planning of a designer.”

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The work is created through the eye of a scavenger and the battle between the primitive, creative impulse and strategic planning of a designer. From 2000 to 2013 the primary material used in large-scale collages were unused bundles of product labels cut and shredded to create an array of radial forms. For the last 5 years, a combination of found material and painting and drawing material has been incorporated to generate layered images that continue to focus on shape and pattern as dominating elements expanding into a balance of both abstract and representational work. Most recently experimentation into limiting the material to only acrylic paint and rice paper has created a particular challenge as I try to continue my practice and not lose site of where this all began.

Artist Information

Residency Dates May 1 — Aug 1 2019

Currently Based Lafayette, Louisiana

Mediums Collage

Artist’s Website