Virginia Jochems Downey

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Ginny is a high school art teacher at Northwest School of the Arts in the Charlotte Mecklenberg School System, and was McColl Center's innaugural Art Teacher Resource Resident. Through her mixed-media pieces, she explores issues involving societal, familial and personal relationships. Ginny views herself as a collector and approaches her artmaking as if creating a series of collections. She collects objects, words, and moments captured with a camera. For her, collecting is a way to continually connect and reconnect with moments, thoughts, feelings, responses, and memories. Her series of boxed combinations offer a personal perspective on social relations.  She is fascinated by the existence of "roles," and her work is an examination of how and why individuals are influenced to assume certain roles in society and in their personal lives.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Nov 30 — Feb 1 2000

Currently Based Charlotte, NC

Mediums Mixed Media