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An artist team, Ene Osteraas-Constable and Scott Constable, find inspiration in the cultural, ecological and historical factors that shape a sense of place.  Wowhaus explores the common denominators of everyday life, the central question of how things, places and relationships acquire meaning. Wowhaus’ system-based approach seeks to connect individuals and communities to their current ecological and societal realities, and strengthen the mutually beneficial potential of each.


Wowhaus will transform the ‘pocket park’ at Brightwalk into an integrated public art installation that activates the site as a community gathering area. The entire park is conceived as a social sculpture, serving as a locus for community participation focused on growing and preparing a native food source – the scuppernong grape. Scuppernong Commons will be a “living lab” for hands-on learning about sustainable agriculture, including beneficial plantings, pruning methods, produce preservation, as well as the observation of weather and its impacts on annual harvests.


Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 12 — Mar 25 2015


Artist’s Website