Mini Art Lab: Geometric Collages with Paul Farmer


Geometric Collages is a step-by-step tutorial for creating a barn quilt design using two to four colors. In this 20-minute art lesson, you will use construction paper or magazines, scissors, a glue stick, and the templates below to create your own collaged design. Best for ages 6 and up.

Charlotte-based interdisciplinary artist and teacher Paul Farmer draws inspiration for this project from barn quilts designed by 19th century homesteaders. The act of collaging and creating repetitive designs serves as a form of meditation for him.

Image courtesy of Paul Farmer.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to create a pattern using various geometric shapes
  • How to choose different colors for your collage 

What you’ll need to create:

  • Paper to collage with (you can use construction paper, magazines, and more*)
  • Scissors 
  • Glue stick


*Lab tip: Get as creative as you want with the paper you use. Try using wrapping paper, scrapbooking paper, or even old photographs! 

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