In preparation for our Benefit Art Auction the McColl Center will be closed to the public through February 7th. Join us for Family Day on February 8th.

Rachel Eng

Eng R Headshot 300dpi

Rachel Eng (she/her) investigates the relationship between human behaviors, and their connections to climate change and the current conditions of our planet by analyzing the scars left by humans in our landscape system. With her work, Eng intends to teach us to have more reciprocal relationships with our planet versus invading and extracting the land.

Using unfired clay in the installations and site-specific interventions and exposing it to the natural, creating space to experience how the material evolves and breakdowns, Rachel means to reveal the process of the life cycles signifying how material becomes part of the earth again. Ultimate the process let to rebuild, rebirth, recycled, and reconstruct, creating new history and memories.

See her work

February 23 - April 10, 2022
public questions / private conduct

A group show featuring artists-in-residence Rachel Eng, Irisol Gonzalez, André Leon Gray, and Ọmọlará Williams McCallister.

Artist Information

Residency Dates Jan 17 — May 16 2022

Currently Based PA, USA

Hometown Seoul, Korea

Mediums Ceramics

Artist’s Website

Partners Windgate Foundation