Rodriguez Remor

“Currently, two issues permeate our work, first, materials and materiality, and second, artistic/cultural practices and the production of work for the art system.”

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Creative partners Denis Rodriguez and Leonardo Remor are artists, curators, and researchers. Their expansive practice is rooted in exploring visible and invisible boundaries or dualities that society and humanity often impose on the world. The separation between nature and culture, contemporary art and folk art, modern architecture and vernacular architecture, technology and para-technology, artist and critic, curator and researcher, authorship and collaboration are all fodder for their creative practice. RodriguezRemor’s current body of work is centered around the exploration of two issues; materials and materiality, artistic and cultural practices, and the production of work for the art system.

RodriguezRemor reflect on the Art–Nature dyad in projects that focus on rural areas, the land, and the transmission of ancestral knowledge and technologies of popular creators and the Native peoples of Eastern South America. Since August 2020, they have resided in Igatu, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia (Brazil), where they founded Mirante Xique-Xique, a para-institution that promotes research residencies in different areas: environment, architecture, cuisine, and arts. Through cultural activities, exchanges, and environmental education, the NGO's mission is to safeguard the region’s architectural and intangible heritage.

Rodriguez Remor

Artist Information

Residency Dates Sep 10 — Dec 15 2023

Currently Based Bahia, Brazil

Mediums Installation

Artist’s Website