Artists + staff are hard at work preparing for exciting upcoming exhibitions. Gallery hours will resume at our opening June 13th. Hope to see you there.

McColl Center Artist-in-Residence Program

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McColl Center's Artist-in-Residence Program is an internationally acclaimed program that serves as a catalyst for artistic growth for emerging and mid-career artists. We host three residency terms per year:

  • Fall - August-November
  • Winter/Spring - January-May
  • Summer - June-August

Artists-in-Residence receive private housing adjacent to McColl Center, a large-scale private studio in our historic building in Uptown Charlotte, curatorial guidance, marketing and PR support, and a generous stipend. While in residency, our artists have the freedom to fully focus on artistic research, exploration, and creation while also engaging with McColl Center’s Igniters community and the local creative sector. While in residence, artists also have access to our shared labs and studios including:

  • 3D Lab (3D printer and laser cutter)
  • Ceramics + Sculpture Studio
  • Darkroom
  • Media Lab with a large-scale printer
  • Woodshop

Artists-in-Residence participate in a group exhibition and lead one to two community engagements centered around their practice.

An Artist-in-Residence at McColl Center is a moment to think big, take risks with your creative practice, and explore ideas within the context of Charlotte.

Questions? Please contact Bethany Salisbury, Programs Coordinator, at